Sunday, November 19, 2006

It took me four years, one death and a cliched question to confront and yet, strangely at the same time, go easy on myself.
"If you had a year to live and no onligations, no duties whatsoever; what would you do?"
First instinct: "Blahh! I hate these soul-searching Cosmo questions."
"No, I am serious. What would you do?"
Pat came the reply.
"Nrityagram. Living in a Gurukul atmosphere and Odissi."

I could have that, you know. It only scares me when I think what I would do if I did have it. Maybe, I would not want it anymore. So, for now I am happy with this super-amalgamation of my life and its wants in one single unbroken fabric.


Unknown said...

How is it "unbroken"?

HB Pencil said...

in my imagination, it is.

Deepanjana said...

You are bang on Lady... I was talking to a friend a coupla days back and I said that exact same thing in not so many words... it really is unbroken in the imagination.

Deepanjana said...

Thank you for leaving a comment. Writing takes up a lot of energy and really does depend on your temperament.I am sure you will start again. all the best!
