Monday, June 03, 2013

Baby Mama

Suddenly, it's everybody's business.

"Any news?"
"When do we get to hear the good news?"

Err, probably not until a semblance of stability has been established in swirling world economics. Oh, but you were not interested in that, were you? What you were really asking is this -

"Are you having sex?"
"Are you having regular sex?"
"Are you having sex on those days?"

But, you don't because you are polite. So, you mask these questions with "Good news?" and twinkling eyes and a smile I just don't get. I anticipate, even expect questions from doddering oldies but not from you, a friend or an acquaintance, who has been married for 10-odd years and has barely recuperated from delivery before posing - "So, ....." intermingled with gory details of childbirth. So, the next time you ask me a question like that, please be prepared to field "Have you resumed regular sex after having a baby?"

But, that would not be polite. Or worse, you would reply with gushing detail.


Written Nov '10, in a fit of angst.
Posted May '13, with twisted amusement.

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